2 min readDec 16, 2021


The Genz generation is more aware of their body than ever! But is it for the right reasons or is anyone really aware of the facts behind fitness and ‘a good body’? Most of the Genz care more about their social image than their real ones! That needs to be altered a little with more physical activities and less social networking activities. Earlier studies were important so were games classes and physical exercise classes. Being socially active and aware is good but Genz needs to focus on sports and other curriculum activities because mental health depends totally on the activities we carry out, and our future depends on our physical and mental health.

Physical fitness never required hardcore exercises or any tough workout. It only requires some simple fun and flexible movements that can improve one’s blood circulation, oxygen intake, provide healthy muscles and joints and support the basic needs of one’s body.

Here are some fun and simple fitness facts, especially for Genz:

  • One can register with a club or group where physical exercises are carried out in the evening or morning
  • You can take 30 minutes out, either in the morning or in the evening for yourself and that time can be dedicated to your hobby which must be miles away from your phone or laptop or even your books, just the time you dedicate to relax
  • Genz must play different types of games in his/her recess time
  • if you are in class 9–10 you can walk down to tuitions with friends, which will ensure your social gathering by physically being with your peers
  • You can be creative with your group studies with your friends, by visiting different places related to your studies
  • Including good food in the diet is a key aspect of fitness. Fruits, green vegetables, and protein-rich food must be there in your diet

These points will let Genz indulge more physically than only virtual involvements. If children will not involve in activities, their imagination, and improvements will remain limited. Activities and movements will also boost the confidence of introverts, the more they will mix, the more they will learn from each other’s mistakes. The more Genz will be with each other the less they will suffer from different mental diseases. Youth is the future of the society so it is everyone’s duty to build a good future, by focusing more on the health of our youth and teaching them the essence of a good and healthy lifestyle.




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