4 Ways to Lose Weight Without Going to The Gym!

3 min readSep 16, 2021


We often believe that losing weight requires a lot of dieting and intense exercise 7 days a week. We avoid eating out, we start to cut down on calories and join a gym…. only to do it all for a month. Many of us don’t realize that starting with small steps can go a long way. There are so many other workouts and activities that help shed excess fat. While these workouts may take some time to show results, they are quite easy to follow and have long term results. By following a good diet and regularly doing these activities, you can surely reach your goal.

Here are 4 ways to lose weight easily without having to sign up to a gym!

1. Walking

Probably the best there is when it comes to just starting out. Walking is actually one of the best workouts there is. By just walking for hour, you burn around 210–360 calories and if you do so for 5 days, you burn around 1050–1800 calories a week! Not alone that, walking also helps in better lung and heart functioning and improves your blood circulation. It also helps as a great stress buster.

2. Cycling

Something we learnt at a young age, but we don’t venture for anymore. If you ever want to invest your money for fitness, a cycle is the best investment. It not only helps transport, but helps strengthen our muscles as well. According to Harvard Health, a person burns 298 calories in 30 minutes if he rides at an average speed. You burn about 3000 calories if you cycle for an hour, 5 days a week. Cycling helps make your body more flexible and agile. It a great way to manage you stress levels.

3. Zumba

What better way to lose weight than dancing? Zumba is a high-energy aerobic exercise which was inspired by Latin dancing. With fun steps to follow and the company of intense beat music, this exercise sure does get your spirits high. Zumba burns around 300–900 calories in an hour, depending on the intensity of your dance routine. It strengthens your core and also releases the ‘happy hormone’- dopamine. By following a proper diet, this exercise not only helps in getting shape, but also instills a sense of well-being. Besides, it also makes working out fun!

4. Yoga

In many ways, Yoga truly holds the essence of life. It unveils us to a higher level of enlightenment physically, emotionally and spirituality. Asanas like Utkatasana (chair pose), Dhanurasana (bow pose) and Trikonasana (Triangle pose) help in reducing lower body fats and enhance your muscular flexibility. While you burn only 183 calories by doing yoga for an hour, it keeps you fit both mentally and physically. You can observe the change within a few days.

The key to see your desired results is to be consistent and patient. These activities are very flexible and can be easily included in your daily routine. Intensity of your exercises is what matters in order to notice the difference. Try these out for 21 days, and see how your body changes for the better.




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